Address: 14307 E 14th St, San Leandro, CA 94578
Phone: (510) 935-4589
Website: La Bombonera Indoor Soccer Page
Instagram: @labombonerasoccer
Hours Of Operation:
8 am to 11:30 pm. 7 days a week
Just two days after we announced our expansion into California’s capital in April 2024, Plei doubled down by launching in another huge West Coast market: the San Francisco Bay Area! 🌉
We kicked off our presence in this diverse region by partnering with SFF Soccer’s Mission Bay Field! We then doubled down by joining forces with The Park San Jose. As part of our ongoing blog series, we will be highlighting all of our partner facilities in every region where Plei has touched down. 🛬
Keep reading to learn more about all things La Bombonera Indoor Soccer in San Leandro before you head out to play. 👇
Named after the famous Argentine stadium, La Bombonera Indoor Soccer is the result of two years of efforts by its founders Ricardo Guerra and Adrian Garcia Del Real, who made sure to prioritize building a strong relationship with their local community prior to opening.
With that connection established and a strong backing by the Earthquakes under their belt, they got to work, opening the doors to their state-of-the-art indoor facility in San Leandro, which features a single small-sided synthetic turf field for 6-a-side.
By the way, you’ll know you arrived at the right facility when you notice the beautiful mural depicting Earthquakes forward Cristian Espinoza. It was completed and unveiled in August 2024, complete with a special visit from the Argentine to see it in person. Check it out below.
Although they plan to stick around for much longer, one of La Bombonera’s primary goals is to contribute as much as they can to the growth of the beautiful game at the grassroots level in time for the 2026 World Cup. With the competition under 2 years away, they are moving quickly to ensure that they make as much of a positive impact as possible.
With one field available, the space is pretty limited, but La Bombonera makes sure to optimize it for as much programming as possible. Aside from pickup play via Plei, the facility proudly hosts numerous youth & adult tournaments throughout the year.
League play is also very prominent. La Bombonera goes above and beyond, even keeping track of statistics and updating their community via social media with detailed standings for all of their competitions.
La Bombonera Indoor Soccer’s long-term goal is to maintain themselves as a recreational hub for youth development & community engagement through the beautiful game. Their San Leandro facility is very accessible to nearby communities, mainly San Lorenzo, Hayward, Union City & Oakland, providing them with a soccer facility that offers high-quality service, intentionality and impact.
For more information on amenities & programming at this Bay Area facility, don’t hesitate to visit their website. 🔗
You can also reach out to them via phone at (510) 935-4589. 📞
Plei first hosted a pickup game at La Bombonera Indoor Soccer on October 1, 2024, and we continue to play here today.
Convinced yet? Give La Bombonera Indoor Soccer in San Leandro a try now! Download Plei now from the App Store or Google Play and sign up for a pickup game today. ⚽🌉